Title: In the dark Author: m_findlow Characters: Andy, Jack Rating: PG Challenge: 601 - Insult Notes: All these years and Andy is still left in the dark. A double drabble.
Title: Nothing to see Author: m_findlow Characters: Andy, Gwen, Jack Rating: PG Challenge: 577 - Weird Notes: Andy unfortunately knows his place in this new world order. A double drabble.
Title: Wrong question Author: m_findlow Characters: Andy, Jack, Ianto Rating: PG Challenge: 569 - Late Notes: Andy should know there are some questions you just shouldn't ask. A double drabble.
Title: New in town Author: m_findlow Characters: Andy Davidson, Gwen, DI Cutler Rating: PG Challenge: 567 - Ring Notes: Andy remembers what it's like being the newbie in town. A double drabble.
Title: Kept in the dark Author: m_findlow Characters: Andy, Jack, Ianto Rating: PG Challenge: 550 - Run Notes: Andy wishes Jack would just be upfront about what's going on.